Mar 24, 2008

Confused with archivers?Try WinRar

Are you confused with so many archivers? Well, there are a whole lot of archive formats on the Internet like .zip,rar and so on the list goes on and with this list comes another shitload of Archiving Softwares.

When I was new to the Tech World I often got exhausted finding these shitloads of Softwares .But now there's a solution to this -WinRar an archiving tool created by RarLabs can extract data from many of the famous archive file formats such as rar,zip,ace,ISO,7-zip and a few to be named. WinRar, apart from extracting can archive files too.

With WinRar you can even repair damaged archives. And amazingly with WinRar's superior compression technology I was able to compress 350 MB file to a 46MB archive. Amazing! isn't it? Also if you are sending a rar file to your friend and are unsure whether your friend has WinRar or not, don’t worry just create a self-extracting archive which extracts itself without any external software.

Though all these features come for a hefty price, but RarLabs also provides a trial version of WinRar. So, go try WinRar today.
